Our office will be closed Thursday, November 24th (all day) in observance of Thanksgiving Day. We will reopen on Friday, November 25th, at 8:30 am.


University at Sea®

5700 4th Street North
St. Petersburg, FL 33703

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Office Hours
Monday - Friday
9:00am - 5:00pm EST
10:00am - 2:00pm EST
Cruise Conference Planning For Your Association

Shifting the Healthcare Paradigm with Lifestyle Medicine

7-Night Alaska Experience Cruise
Round-trip Seattle, Washington
July 12 - 19, 2024
Royal Caribbean's <em>Ovation of the Seas</em>
Royal Caribbean's Ovation of the Seas
16.0 ACPE Credits
Course Fees
$799 for Healthcare Providers
$499 for HR Directors

Target Audience
Physicians, Pharmacists, NPs, PAs, HR Directors
Program Purpose / Objectives

Day 1


Provider Track 

(CPE / CME Available)

Employer/Broker Track 

(HR Credit) 

8:15 – 9:15 am 

Keynote Presentation

9:30 – 11:00 am

Personalized Nutrition

Reducing Cost in Autoimmune Disorders

11:00 – 12:00 pm 



12:00 – 2:00 pm

Stress-HPA Axis – Mental Health

How Nutrition Impacts Your Health

2:15 – 4:15 pm 

Weight Management and Disease

Handling Stress in the Workplace and How Stress Impacts Your Health 


Day 2


Provider Track 

(CPE / CME Available)

Employer/Broker Track 

(HR Credit) 

8:15 – 9:15 am 

The Future of Healthcare

9:30 – 11:00 am

Foundations of Gastrointestinal Wellness

Empowerment Through Health Coaching

11:00 – 12:00 pm 



12:00 – 2:00 pm 

Coaching Excellence: Guiding Patients Effectively

Connections of Gastrointestinal Health To Overall Health

2:15 – 4:15 pm 

Autoimmune Lifestyle Interventions

Weight Management Employer Health Programs 


Day 3


Provider Track 

(CPE / CME Available)

Employer/Broker Track 

(HR Credit) 

9:00 – 11:00 am  

Expo / Networking

Expo / Networking

11:15-12:15 am

Keynote #2

Event Description

Health care in this country more closely resembles “sick care.” While advancements in research and technology have enabled us to sufficiently treat acute health issues, the health care system is miserably failing at preventing and treating chronic disease. It’s estimated that 6 in 10 U.S. adults have one chronic disease and 4 in 10 have two or more. Individuals with chronic diseases use the majority of health care services and account for most of the costs. 

The paradigm needs to shift from reactive to proactive. Lifestyle medicine places emphasis on the whole person and uses therapeutic lifestyle interventions to prevent, treat, and even reverse chronic disease. This continuing education event will detail how a lifestyle medicine approach to health can combat the chronic disease epidemic and revolutionize the health care system. Providers and employers will learn foundations and effective implementation strategies related to a variety of topics including nutrition, autoimmune disease, weight management, gastrointestinal wellness, and mental health. 

Provider Day 1

  •  Personalized Nutrition into your Practice (1.5 hrs)
    • Description: What’s the best diet? As research advances, it becomes more apparent that there isn’t one “best diet”. The field of precision nutrition is rapidly emerging as we begin to acknowledge that the “one-size-fits-all” approach to diet isn’t working to reduce the risk and prevalence of nutrition-related disease. During this session, the speaker will discuss an evidence-based approach to effective implementation of personalized nutrition into practice.
    • Objectives: 
      1. Review what encompasses personalized nutrition
      2. Gain knowledge about the clinical implications of key nutrients and bioactive compounds in personalized nutrition
  • Stress- HPA Axis- Mental Health (2 hrs)
    • Description: Mental health has been a hot topic over the last few years.  From isolation to fear there are many reasons as to why poor mental health seems so rampant.  During this session, the speakers will discuss the impact HPA dysregulation plays in mental health and various approaches to rebalancing the HPA axis. 
    • Objectives:
      1. Review the physiology of the HPA axis
      2. Discuss how stress impacts adrenal health
      3. Describe the connection between adrenal function and mental health
      4. Introduce integrative approaches to support HPA homeostasis and mental health
  • Weight Management and Disease (2 hrs)
    • Description: Weight loss and management is a hot topic in our society of late. Many people are looking for quick fixes and not doing the work to make changes to lose weight and keep it off long-term.  This session will outline the different factors that contribute to weight loss resistance and the actions people can take to reach a healthy weight sustainably.
    • Objectives:
      1. Understand the underlying pathophysiology that contributes to weight loss resistance and obesity
      2. Discuss the role the gut microbiome plays in weight management
      3. Describe the connection between stress, increased cortisol, and obesity
      4. Explore integrative approaches to foster weight loss and support healthy weight management

Employer/Broker Day 1

  • Weight Management Employer Health Programs (2 hrs)
    • Description: Obesity is an epidemic in our society today and it is a contributor to many chronic health problems.  In this session, the speaker will discuss the trickle down effect of how obesity can contribute to poor employee productivity.  They will also share different ways of incorporating weight management programs into your employee health offerings. 
    • Objectives:
      1. Discuss the current obesity epidemic and its toll on the healthcare system
      2. Understand how healthy weight management is linked to employee productivity
      3. Identify integrative and sustainable approaches to incorporate into employee weight management programs
  • How Nutrition Impacts Your Health (1.5 hrs)
    • Description: It may seem far fetched, but nutrition greatly affects a person’s overall health and productivity. In this session, the speaker will discuss how the foods a person eats can contribute to various health conditions.  They will convey how healthy eating can improve employee performance and how you can support healthy habits in the work environment.
    • Objectives:
      1. Review the fundamentals of nutrition
      2. Discuss how the standard American diet impacts health and contributes to disease
      3. Understand how healthy eating habits benefit the workforce and business
      4. Identify interventions employers can take to improve employee eating habits
  • Handling Stress in the Workplace & How Stress Impacts Your Health (2 hrs)
    • Description: During this session, the speakers will offer valuable insights into recognizing, managing, and mitigating workplace stress. Discover practical strategies to enhance well-being and productivity while gaining a deeper understanding of the profound effects of stress on your overall health.:
    • Objectives:
      1. Discuss the correlation between prolonged stress and its adverse impact on physical and mental health
      2. Introduce effective stress management techniques, empowering attendees to navigate workplace challenges with resilience and composure
      3. Provide practical guidance on creating a stress-reducing work environment, leading to increased employee satisfaction, retention, and productivity
      4. Foster a comprehensive understanding of the symbiotic relationship between stress management, employee well-being, and organizational success, encouraging proactive measures to promote a healthier workplace culture

Provider Day 2

  • Foundations of Gastrointestinal Wellness (1.5 hrs)
    • Description: Poor gut health is a major root cause for many health conditions.  In this session, the speaker will discuss how the gut microbiome and inflammation can have an impact on not only GI disorders but on overall health.  They will outline various treatment options for the more prevalent GI disorders. 
    • Objectives:
      1. Describe the impact of the gut microbiome and gut inflammation on GI disorders and overall health
      2. Discuss integrative treatment options for prevalent GI disorders
  • Coaching Excellence: Guiding Patients Effectively (2 hrs)
    • Description: Elevate your coaching game with must-have skills and communication strategies essential for steering patients towards a healthier lifestyle. We'll delve into the art and science of effective health coaching, tailoring your approach to fit different patient needs, creating a supportive space, inspiring motivation, and fostering a trusting relationship that will set the stage for successful health outcomes. 
    • Objectives:
      1. Understand the fundamental principles and significance of effective health coaching
      2. Learn techniques to create a collaborative relationship with patients
      3. Adapt coaching techniques for diverse needs
      4. Create a safe space for patients to express their needs and process emotions
      5. Develop strategies to inspire patients to reach their goals
  • Autoimmune Lifestyle Interventions (2 hrs)
    • Description: In this session, the speaker will delve into the intricate interplay between the gastrointestinal system and immune function. Discover how diet and lifestyle choices profoundly affect the immune system and explore integrative approaches that can be employed to support and harmonize this critical component of overall health. Gain valuable insights to enhance your practice and help patients on their journey to better immune health.
    • Objectives:
      1. Recognize the connection between the gastrointestinal system and immune function
      2. Review the impact of diet and lifestyle on the immune system
      3. Identify integrative approaches to support and balance the immune system

Employer/Broker Day 2

  • Empowerment Through Health Coaching (2 hrs)
    • Description: Discover the secrets to unlocking your health potential. Uncover practical ways you can use mindset to influence your wellness goals and conquer roadblocks that stand in your way. Learn to speak up for yourself, express your needs, and leverage your health coach in your journey to a healthier, happier you!
    • Objectives:
      1. Understand the powerful connection between mindset and achieving your health goals
      2. Navigate through your brain's natural resistance to change
      3. Leverage your health coach to optimize your progress
      4. Confidently express your needs and concerns in (and out of) the coaching relationship
      5. Learn practical strategies to overcome roadblocks and stay on track towards your goal
  • Connections of GI health to overall health (1.5 hrs)
    • Description: In this session, the speaker will offer essential insights into the pivotal relationship between gastrointestinal well-being and overall health. Gain a comprehensive understanding of how digestive health influences various aspects of your life and learn how to improve overall health by focusing on GI health.
    • Objectives:
      1. Discuss the intricate links between gastrointestinal health and overall well-being, emphasizing the importance of a healthy gut in maintaining vitality and resilience
      2. Describe the methods for fostering GI health through diet and lifestyle choices, enabling them to make informed decisions for improved personal wellness
      3. Explore the direct impact of GI health on producivity, absenteeism, and overall workplace performance
      4. Navigate the ways employers can support and promote gastrointestinal health among employees, resulting in a happier, healthier, and more engaged workforce
  • Reducing Cost in Autoimmune (2 hrs)
    • Description: In this session, the speaker will provide practical strategies to effectively manage the financial burden associated with autoimmune conditions. They will explore cost-saving measures, improved healthcare utilization, and ways to enhance the overall well-being of individuals with autoimmune diseases.
    • Objectives:
      1. Educate consumers on cost-effective approaches to managing autoimmune conditions, empowering them to make informed decisions about their healthcare while reducing financial strain.
      2. Highlight the financial impact of autoimmune diseases on employers, offering insights into the potential cost savings that can be achieved through proactive measures.
      3. Provide practical guidance on optimizing healthcare utilization and leveraging preventive strategies to reduce medical expenses related to autoimmune conditions.
      4. Encourage employers to implement wellness programs and accommodations that support employees with autoimmune diseases, ultimately fostering a healthier, more productive workforce while minimizing healthcare costs.

Day 3: Expo and Final Keynote

Conference Sessions generally take place on days at sea (as itinerary allows), giving you plenty of time to enjoy your meals, evenings and ports of call with your companion, family and friends.
IMPORTANT NOTE: All conferees, their families, and guests must book their cruise within the University at Sea® meeting group through University at Sea® at 800-926-3775 or by registering online. This ensures our company can provide conference services and complimentary social amenities to all meeting participants and their guests. Thank you for your cooperation.

Melody Hartzler, PharmD, BCACP, BC-ADM, ABAAHP

Melody Hartzler, PharmD, BCACP, BC-ADM, ABAAHP
Dr. Hartzler has developed a passion for functional medicine and treating the underlying causes of disease. Her focus areas are functional gastrointestinal disorders, nutritional deficiencies, metabolic conditions, and autoimmune conditions. She is also a nationally recognized speaker on diabetes and functional medicine. She is currently Board Certified Ambulatory Care Pharmacy Specialist (BCACP), and is Board Certified in Advanced Diabetes Management (BC-ADM). She is the owner of PharmToTable, LLC, where she provides continuing education to pharmacists and provides a platform for functional medicine telehealth visits. She is passionate about working as a team to change the landscape of pharmacist provided care.

In addition to PharmToTable Team, she practices as a clinical pharmacist at Western Medicine Family Physicians in Fairborn, Ohio. There she works via collaborative practice to provide functional medicine services and management of chronic conditions.

She is a graduate of Ohio Northern University College of Pharmacy and completed her residency training at Chalmers P. Wylie VA Ambulatory Care Center. Her functional medicine education has come from a variety of different conferences, educational programs, and clinical experience. She has completed Applying Functional Medicine in Clinical Practice (AFMCP) from Institute of Functional Medicine and is currently enrolled in the Fellowship of Anti-Aging, Metabolic and Functional Medicine (FAAMFM) with the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M).

She and her team are ready to help transform lives, from not feeling well, tired, stressed, and experiencing GI symptoms; to thriving, symptom free and back to enjoying life!

Tom Guilliams, PhD

Tom Guilliams, PhD
Thomas G. Guilliams Ph.D. (Tom) earned his doctorate in molecular immunology from the Medical College of Wisconsin in Milwaukee.

For the past two decades, he has spent his time investigating the mechanisms and actions of lifestyle and nutrient-based therapies, and is an expert in the therapeutic uses of dietary supplements. Tom serves as an adjunct assistant professor at the University of Wisconsin- School of Pharmacy. Since 2014 he has been writing a series of teaching manuals (Road maps) that outline and evaluate the evidence for the principles and protocols that are fundamental to the functional and integrative medical community.

He is the founder and director of the Point Institute, an independent research and publishing organization that facilitates the distribution of his many publications. A frequent guest-speaker, Dr. Guilliams provides training to a variety of health care disciplines in the use of lifestyle and natural medicines. He lives in the woods outside of Stevens Point, Wisconsin with his wife and children.

Lindsey Dalton, PharmD

Lindsey Dalton, PharmD
Lindsey Dalton is a pharmacist who specializes in functional medicine, with a passion for empowering individuals to reduce and manage stress, optimize gut health, and address eczema through holistic approaches. With over 11 years of experience in community pharmacy, Lindsey felt a deep yearning to shift her focus toward uncovering the root causes of health issues and promoting wellness through lifestyle interventions.

Driven by a commitment to comprehensive care, Lindsey advocates for a personalized, patient-centered approach that emphasizes the interconnectedness of lifestyle choices and overall health. Her mission is to educate and empower individuals to take charge of their well-being by understanding and addressing the underlying factors contributing to their health challenges.

Lindsey holds a PharmD and continues to stay at the forefront of functional medicine practices, blending her expertise in pharmacology with a holistic perspective. Through her practice, Lindsey strives to make a meaningful difference in the lives of her clients, guiding them toward sustainable health and vitality.

Sarah Bachofner, PharmD

Sarah Bachofner, PharmD
Dr. Sarah Bachofner grew up in a small town in Montana. She earned her doctor of pharmacy from the University of Montana. Her passion for functional medicine began at the University during undergrad where she took every nutrition course offered to non-nutrition majors, including nutrition for sport and nutrition for chronic disease. Her passion grew throughout pharmacy school, especially during her medicinal plants and Ayurvedic medicine courses. She has always believed in a holistic approach to health care and that preventing illness and promoting wellness are crucial to improving health. With each patient, she provides education and establishes a partnership with the common goal of recovery and wellness. She provides a positive, joyful and talented approach to patient care. She has completed training from the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine and is a certified Integrative Pharmacy Specialist and certified Restorative Wellness Practitioner.

Nicole Grams, PharmD, IFMCP

Nicole Grams, PharmD, IFMCP
Dr. Nicole Grams, PharmD, IFMCP candidate, is a Functional Medicine pharmacist seeing patients in Wisconsin. She knows that long-lasting lifestyle changes require a great deal of inner work alongside the outer, so she combines Functional Medicine with holistic life and health coaching, creating the opportunity for patients to tap into their full potential to restore their health.

Dr. Grams graduated from the University of Wisconsin-Madison School of Pharmacy (2011), founded Offbeat Health in 2019 and joined the PharmToTable team in 2020. She is currently pursuing practitioner certification through The Institute for Functional Medicine.

Our staff can assist you with all your travel arrangements.

Questions? Call us at 800-422-0711.
We can assist you with all your travel arrangements. We'd be happy to help you plan your flights, hotels or tours before and/or after your cruise conference.

Cruise Itinerary

Fri Jul 12 Seattle, Washington
- 4:00 pm
Sat Jul 13 *At Sea - Cruising
- -
Sun Jul 14 Sitka, Alaska
10:00 am 6:00 pm
Mon Jul 15 Skagway, Alaska
8:00 am 8:00 pm
Tue Jul 16 Endicott Arm & Dawes Glacier
5:00 am 10:00 am
Tue Jul 16 Juneau, Alaska
1:00 pm 9:00 pm
Wed Jul 17 *At Sea - Cruising
- -
Thu Jul 18 Victoria, British Columbia
5:00 pm 10:00 pm
Fri Jul 19 Seattle, Washington
6:00 am -
*Tentative course schedule, actual class times may differ.

Ports of Call

Seattle, Washington - Sailing out on a cruise from Seattle? Make sure you spend a few a days in the beautiful Emerald City. If you’re a nature lover, this jewel in the Pacific Northwest is the perfect place for you to explore ahead of your cruise vacation. Though it offers plenty of metropolitan delights — think great restaurants, bars, a ton of shopping and lots (and lots) of hip coffee shops — Seattle is a big city with a wild, great-outdoors soul. It’s surrounded by ancient forests, sprawling public parks and, of course, the misty Puget Sound, where you can slow-moving tugboats, sleek kayaks and the occasional pod of whales. Head to Discovery Park for beautiful views of the Olympic and Cascade mountain ranges or visit the Olympic Sculpture Park near Elliott Bay. And if you’re craving a drink and a tasty bite to eat, head to one of Seattle’s many rooftop bars and take advantage of those extra-long northern summer days while you sip local brews and expertly crafted cocktails.

At Sea - Cruising - Cruising

Sitka, Alaska - Sitka truly offers the best of Alaska. Its small-town appeal stems from a unique blend of Russian, Tlingit and American history. Its snow-capped peaks and volcanic Mount Edgecumbe pose among the state’s most postcard-worthy scenes. And its rare wildlife astounds, from Saint Lazaria Island’s orange-beaked puffins to Alaska Maritime Refuge’s 40 million seabirds. This is off-the-path Alaska, where you can kayak Sitka Sound alongside swimming sea otters or fly-fish for the world’s biggest halibut. Whether it’s hiking Baranof Island trails or listening to tribal stories passed down for generations, in Sitka the midnight sun never sets on adventure.

Skagway, Alaska - The tiny town of Skagway still looks like it did during the Klondike Gold Rush over 100 years ago— and today it remains an outpost for thrilling Alaskan adventure. An old-time street car ride along bustling Broadway Street reveals well-preserved buildings, including the state’s oldest hotel. You can see engraved walrus tusks at the Corrington Museum, or get lost in riveting historical reenactments around town. If outdoor adventure is more your thing, there are plenty of ways to amp up the adrenaline, from sledding with Alaskan Huskies on Laughton Glacier to rafting Lynn Canal, the longest fjord in North America.

Endicott Arm & Dawes Glacier - One of Alaska's lesser-known gems, Endicott Arm Fjord marks the southern edge of Fords Terror Wilderness area. As you drift through its 30 -mile-long stretch, you can't help but be awed by the sorrounding granite cliffs, mountain valleys and dozens of gushing waterfalls. Drifting icebergs, deep blue waters and a spectacular tidewater glacier only add to this natural spectacle's appeal.

Victoria, British Columbia - Though Toronto and Vancouver are the more famous Canadian destinations, it’s high time for the sophisticated and beautiful city of Victoria, British Columbia (BC) to have its big moment. The quaint charm and English manners of Victoria will take you back in time to the days of British occupation in the 19th century. Victoria is known as “the garden city” for its lushness and its commitment to keeping the city beautiful. Head to Butchart Garden or Beacon Hill Park to enjoy nature during your time in port.

Of course, a little history lesson is another must while on a cruise to Victoria, BC. Tour the expertly maintained Craigdarroch Castle and the Parliament Buildings, or stop in the Royal BC Museum, a natural history museum dedicated to the history of human settlement in the region. There’s also the Emily Carr House, a museum dedicated to the life and works of the famous painter, Emily Carr. Victoria exudes an intellectualism where art galleries and afternoon tea await you, but so do long bicycle rides along the seafront. Stylish cafes and restaurants are modernizing the city, all while maintaining its signature look: something straight out of a postcard.

Non-Americans/Canadians, please Click Here to determine if you'll need a visa to board this cruise, which visits Canada

Our staff can assist you with all your travel arrangements.

Questions? Call us at 800-422-0711.
We can assist you with all your travel arrangements. We'd be happy to help you plan your flights, hotels or tours before and/or after your cruise conference.
Please note that our shore excursions are operated separately and
independently of those offered by the cruise line.
©2019 - University at Sea®